Google’s October Core Update | Brafton - Buzz Plugg Usa News


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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Google’s October Core Update | Brafton

Following weeks of a gradual rollout, Google has completed another Core Algorithm Update — the third one this year. The core update came around the same time as the October 2023 Spam Update. Both aim to improve the quality of search results by reducing spam content as much as possible. 

The October update wasn’t officially completed until the 19th, but you likely noticed fluctuations in your website’s search rankings starting after the announced launch date of October 5th. These core updates from Google often cause shifts in rankings, but is it cause for alarm?

Before we dive into that, let’s take a look at what’s changed to understand the potential impacts.

What’s the Purpose of Core Updates?

Google’s core updates enable the search engine to improve upon its algorithm and improve the quality of its services for users. The goal is always to improve search results by minimizing spammy content that utilizes common SEO tactics while highlighting trustworthy, authoritative content. Usually, these core updates are released a few times per year — each targeting various aspects of the algorithm to fine-tune the user experience.

What’s New?

While Google hasn’t disclosed what exactly the company changed with the algorithm, core updates tend to target the ranking systems within Google’s search engine — hence the potential movement. This particular update was also released in tandem with the spam update. 

It appears the primary objective of both is to prevent unwanted, irrelevant content across multiple languages and types from appearing in search results. By doing so, Google hopes to improve the overall quality of search results for its end users.

Does It Matter?

If your website wasn’t impacted by these recent changes and resulting SERP volatility, you might be wondering whether you should care about them. The simple answer is yes. Not only does the update still have the potential to impact your search ranking, but staying on top of these changes can help inform your SEO strategy as the search engine evolves. 

At the same time, the update shouldn’t be cause to worry. While these updates can cause headaches for SEO professionals, Google advises patience in addition to regular site monitoring.

When in Doubt, Stick to Best Practices

For those who might be concerned about this latest update — whether your site was impacted or you just like to stay on top of these things — it’s always a good idea to fall back on common SEO best practices, such as:

  • Continue producing relevant, fact-based, helpful content that establishes your brand’s authority.
  • Optimize your website to create the best possible user experience.
  • Regularly monitor your search analytics and performance.

It’s normal for algorithm changes to cause a little volatility, but with continuous effort and high-value content, you can help your site maintain visibility throughout these updates.

For more information about Google’s updates and how to respond to them, check out these resources:

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from Digital Marketing – My Blog

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